When getting dental implants to replace molars or premolars in the upper part of the mouth, an operation known as a sinus lift may be required before placing the implants. This is required in certain cases including:
- if the sinus is too large and consequently too close to the upper jaw. This means not enough bone thickness is present in the area where the implant will be placed.
- if the bone quality or density at the back of the upper jaw is insufficient to support dental implants. This could be a result of various factors like genetics or bone loss.
In these scenarios, and others that warrant a sinus lift, the sinus cavity is too close to the upper jawbone. As a result, a dental implant placed there will not have enough bone structure to anchor into, increasing the chances of becoming loose. Another possibility is that a sinus infection can occur, further increasing the chances of implant failure.
A sinus lift is a procedure that lifts the sinus membrane further away from the upper jawbone to make more room for the implant, while also performing bone grafting in the area so it will be strong enough to support the implant. This is a simple and common procedure similar to a lower jaw bone graft.
The cost of receiving a sinus lift to support dental implants can be anywhere from $1100 to around $2000