One thing that many people tend to forget, or not even consider, when exploring the possibility of getting dental implants is the preliminary procedures that may be required. As a result, a lot of people significantly underestimate the price that they will pay.
At the very least, anyone who wishes to get dental implants as their tooth replacement option will need to undergo a consultation with a dentist. During this consultation, some sort of diagnostic testing will surely be performed, which is critical in determining the treatment plan for that specific patient. If the dentist believes there may be complications, further and more detailed diagnostic tests will be required to determine what types of procedures will be required for a successful tooth restoration treatment.
Once the consultation is complete, several other preliminary procedures may be necessary, just to get the patients mouth ready for implant placement. These procedures include:
- tooth extractions
- bone grafting
- sinus lifts
All of the preliminary procedures mentioned here, including the consultation and diagnostic testing, can have significant costs associated with them, adding a substantial amount to the overall dental implants procedure.